Thanks to the organizer panel the most powerful user can:
- add all competition data to the system (location, date, halls, sponsors, categories and more)
- set restrictions for categories (to let danceit automatically check dancers number, age, class, license, etc.)
- generate the schedule
- assign specific prizes (depending on the place taken)
- assign starting fees for specific categories or to dancers (also different depending on the number of categories to which the dancer was reported)
- generate rounds and divide them based on the number of entities in the category (automatic division into finals, semi-finals, etc.)
- generate and print starting numbers
- determine how many halls and dance floors will be used during the competition
- set judges and judges panels
- set judging systems
- and much more
The organizer has also access to unique codes for each of the other panels that can be used at a given event (judge, display, moderator, skruutiner, etc.). He can provide them with designated people at any time who will gain access to them in this way.
In addition, the organizer has access to competition statistics and all data that concerns it.